I’m Makayla, a writer, optimist and world changer, dedicated to helping you live your best life.
For as long as I can remember I have been moved by the idea of helping people and making a difference. I started this blog in 2019 with the hope of sharing my thoughts and inspiration with you to help you achieve anything you want.
I strive to change the world through simple acts of kindness, sharing unexplainable optimism, and inspiring hope, faith and love. I want to equip you with the tools you need to live a happy life where you thrive.
I want to live in a world where positivity, love and creativity are normal things in our everyday society. A world where we have a community of people who inspire, help and build each other up in everything they do.
This is my dream for our world and every step I take is one towards this reality. Changing the world one life at a time.
Be blessed,