You’re never too young or too old to do anything. If you really have the desire to do something, nothing can stop you.
As technology rapidly advances and it’s availability of applications become more user friendly, anyone can have their voice heard and make a difference. We can go on a website and create a blog, become a well known influencer through social media or become successful on YouTube. All we need is the right motivation.
We may think to ourselves, “But I don’t have time,” or “I’ll do it when I’ve got my life under control,” but the truth is that there never really is going to be a right time. The chaos of life will always be there consuming our time, and being the excuse to take the “Road of least resistance.” Stop procrastinating and start doing. Get up now and don’t just make a plan, but put it into action, and stick to it. If we clean out our schedule, we may find the time we need because if we don’t, no matter what we do, another excuse will drag us back down.
“Be stronger than your strongest excuse”

We may be still in school or on the verge of retirement, and we think things like, “my ideas don’t matter,” or “I can’t make a difference.” Thinking things like, I’m too young or too old. What the world really needs is more people who will step up and constructively share their thoughts and ideas as to how to make the world a better place.
If an 11 year old girl can create a campaign for saving turtles and an 80 year old man can get a law degree to become a defence lawyer, then the sky really is the limit. With an “I can” attitude, we can do anything we put our minds to.
Remember, Wolfgang Mozart was only 3 years old when he taught himself to play the harpsichord, and John Glenn the american astronaut was 77 when he made his last flight into space. Thomas Edison first patented an invention at age 21 and the writer JRR Tolken at age 62, published the first volume of his trilogy, Lord of the Rings. The oldest person to receive a Nobel prize for literature was an 85 year old man, Theodor Mommsen.
People everywhere are doing amazing things irrespective of age and so can you.