Imagine this: you’re about to be thrown into a fire and there is no escape. Your hands are tied together so tightly that you can’t even move them.
Anyone in this situation would know that this would be their last day on earth.
Well….. maybe.
We see this exact situation in the bible when three men refused to bow down and worship a statue of gold. Because of this, a tyrant king had them thrown into a blazing furnace 7 times hotter than normal, all because they would only worship their God, Jesus.
Now this is where it gets interesting. The king and all his minions were totally blown away. In the furnace the three men were totally unharmed, and walking with them in the fire, was a fourth. “Look!” exclaims the king. “ I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

These men stood up for Jesus. They decided that they weren’t going to follow everyone else, but that they would follow God. Because of this, He came and stood beside them and saved their lives.
We can check it all out in the Bible, in Daniel chapter 3.
Moral of this story:
We have another in the fire.
Now when we trust God, He will stand by us. Through thick and thin, He is there.
Now, I’m not saying we have to throw ourselves into a fire to see what happens, but it’s a metaphor for every bad thing we go through, and shows that He will always come through in the end.
No matter what situation we may be facing, losing a job, a loved one, or fear, there is always someone beside us who can help us.
Even if some don’t believe that God exists, He is still there, right next to us, just waiting for us to ask for His help.
When it feels like the world around us is collapsing and we are alone and isolated, remember that we are NEVER really alone. God is with us always, He is there and He protects us and helps us whenever we need Him, today, tomorrow, yesterday and in the future.

Even in the midst of FIRE we will still come out the other side.
We see in the story above that even though they were flung towards their deaths, they still came out the other side. Not just alive, but unharmed, no hair on their head or piece of clothing was touched by the fire.
Isn’t God good!
The power of God is greater than this world. Bigger than any giant we face. When it feels hopeless and like nothing is going our way, we will come out the other side!
Why? Because there is always someone looking out for us and protecting us.
Do not fear!

It also says that when the men came out of the fire, they weren’t tied together anymore. The chains that were used to bind them were broken.
Psalms 116:16 says this, “Lord, because I am your loving servant, you have broken open my life and freed me from my chains.”
God frees us!
When we surrender our lives to God, and give Him control of our life situations, He breaks the power of darkness that chains us and holds us and controls our lives. With Him now in control, we are able to live a life without the worry of our burdens. Just let go and let Him do what He needs to do in us.

Every person goes through something. We all have different struggles to face, and it is often unbelievably hard to battle them by ourselves. Many of us will lean on our friends and family. Some have no one.
But we don’t have to. We don’t need to face our struggles alone, God wants us to give our burdens to Him and rely on Him for strength.
We just need to trust him.
Trusting God shows how much we love him, it demonstrates that we know that His ways are higher than our own, and it helps us so much.
When we surrender ourselves and everything we are going through to him, He takes that weight away. It is so much easier to live life when we trust God and everything that he has for us.
When a curve-ball strikes, imagine that you could face that situation knowing that the Creator of the universe is on your side; That you could have a sense of overwhelming peace no matter what happens and can still be optimistic.
This is what it is like when you trust God.
It is a feeling that is way better than any drug or person could provide. One that seems almost impossible for any man to comprehend.
But luckily for us, God can do the impossible!

Why? Why would God do this? Why would He do all of these things for us?
Because he loves us!
It says in the bible that God gave up his one and only son so that we could live, just because He loves us so much!
Love is from God and God is love.
His love goes way beyond all human understanding. We can’t even fathom the love that God has for us.
Imagine someone in your life who loves you, and then we multiply that love by 1,000. God’s love is so much greater than even this!!!

So….. How do I get this love?
The most amazing thing about God is that the only thing we need to do is ask.
Just ask.
Sounds too simple?
The thing is, over 2000 years ago, Jesus went to the cross and was crucified. He was beaten and whipped and tortured so that we could be made right with our Holy Father. Now, all we have to do is ask, and we can receive His love.
How amazing is that?
This is the gift that God has graced us all with and all you have to do is ask, and you will receive.
It says in Acts 2:21 “But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Are you going to keep living your life alone and keep struggling? Or are you going to surrender your life to God and live your life for and with the Creator of the universe?
You choose.