Have you ever met someone who is constantly in a bad mood? They tend to drag down every person they encounter.
Although, the opposite can be possible. When we are full of joy, we can infect and change the lives of anyone we encounter during the day.

What is Joy?
The word ‘joy’ is often misconceptualized by many; confusing joy with happiness. Although happiness can be a part of joy, it is so much more.
Happiness is based on the outcome of external things, a result or event, such as whether you passed an exam or not.
Joy is the emotion we feel in anticipation for something amazing. It is extreme gladness, delight and elation, exultation, satisfaction and cheer. It is something that bursts from our inner being. It overpowers the negativeness in our lives.
Joy isn’t just being happy about going on a holiday or visiting a friend. It is more. It is deeper. It’s like a wonderful secret trying to get out even though you don’t know what the secret is. You can be joyful about things in the unknown.
For example, we may be in a really hard season, but we can still have joy during this time, because even though we don’t know how, we know we will eventually have a breakthrough.
Or we could be in a season of waiting where nothing is happening, and we can still have joy because we know we are being prepared for something great ahead of us.

Even in the pain, you can have joy
For some people, it’s holidays that can release incredible pain. The memories of the loss of a loved one, whether it be the first or tenth anniversary without then, brings a hurt that only they can know.
Memories from a painful past may come in and flood our minds with feelings of grief and hurt and in spite of this pain, it is still possible to have joy.
One of my close friends recently lost her Dad. During this hard season in her life, I noticed that she possessed such joy. In her suffering, she had opened her heart to her Creator’s comfort and joy, and was still able to come every day with a quiet smile on her face, even though she was enduring one of the hardest battles of her life.
She reminded me that it doesn’t matter what we go through, we can still live with that inner power that gives a smile to our faces.
And I know her story is not the same for everyone, that’s ok. Just remember that joy is possible in the hardest of seasons.
You may think, ‘if you knew my story you would not believe I could find joy.’ But the amazing thing is, is that, joy is possible for anyone. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past because the past is past, gone, and anything is possible in the present and future.

Joy is contagious
The concept that joy is contagious and infectious. It is that simple and so easily evident.
When we are joyful, the people around us are joyful.
Have you ever been in a really bad mood, then have to hang out with your friends? Most of the time, when we leave our friends, we are in a much better mood than before. This is because joy is contagious!

So, how do you get joy?
Step Back.
One of the best ways we can realign our lives to be more joyful is to take a step back.
When we take a step back to reflect on our lives and acknowledge the things that are bringing us down, we can then take positive steps forward and replace them with optimistic energy.
Be Grateful.
Gratitude or an attitude of thankfulness and appreciation is something so simple. If we just begin to notice what we do have, rather than what we don’t.
It can help to boost our overall mood and even increase our lifespan!
Be Present.
What has happened in the past is done and there is nothing we can do to change it. All we can do is learn from it and move on. When we don’t move on, we force ourselves into a downward spiral.
If we aren’t in the here and now, then how can we be grateful for the things we have, and take time to reflect on the good in our lives? If we are too busy digging up our past hurts and dwelling on them, joy can never be possible.
And most important, Believe!!
It is a gift from our Creator. Embrace it. Let it overflow and spill out on everyone we encounter.
If we don’t believe we can have joy, we won’t. Having joy is a conscious decision. Our mindset will determine our outcome. If we don’t believe in something, we won’t even try.

Joy is possible for everyone and is contagious. Spread it like there is no tomorrow and make a change in the world; one life at a time.
Don’t forget this holiday season to make time to have joy.
“And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10
This, like each of Makaylas articles, are hard hitting. I realise when reading these that I am imperfect but I also realise that I can fix things if only I remember to have faith. Thanks for writing and inspiring me.