Imagine a world where we are all the same, everyone would have the same abilities, the same interests and the same looks. Life would be simply boring. We are made different for a reason and we need to step up and be proud of our differences rather than fit in with the crowd.
“They laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at them because they’re the same”
Our society is so busy trying to fit in that we forget that we are all made different for a reason, no one is the same. The world tells us to be ourselves although when we step out there, show our differences and be ourselves people judge us and tell us to go back to being the same as everyone else. But don’t let that stop you, don’t let society make you feel ashamed of your differences. There is no normal in society, everyone is different, everyone has their own flaws and that’s what makes the world unique. Being different can be daunting and people will look at you and judge you for who you are but use that spotlight to make a mark.

We are called to stand up above society and dare to step out there and do something different. Our differences are what make us unique and we should own that. If people didn’t dare to be different then most of the things we know today wouldn’t exist. What would this world look like if Oprah Winfrey didn’t dare to be different? What would it look like if Nelson Mandela didn’t dare to be different? What would it look like is Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t dare to be different? They have changed the world in many ways, some that are seen, and some that aren’t. They have changed people hearts which can do more to a person then you’ll ever know.
I encourage you, dare to be different. Even though it’s scary and people may make fun of you, do it, don’t spend your life being the same as everyone else. You don’t know whose life you could change by stepping out there and be different from everyone else. The ones who change the world are the ones who are different.