Dream big, small dreams won’t get you anywhere. Having a big dream might be daunting but if it doesn’t scare you, then you’re not dreaming big enough.
“If it doesn’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough”
- Tony Burch
Every big thing must start somewhere, taking the small steps to a big goal can be hard because you don’t see the whole journey but you just have to trust that it's going to be worth it in the end. It is like running a marathon, you have to take step after step to get to the end and if you give up too soon, you won’t get the satisfaction of crossing the finish line. Along the way, it’ll feel like you’re not getting anywhere, and nothing is happening but that is where it means the most. When you push through and keep going where nothing is happening shows that you're dedicated to reaching your dream. Like in a marathon, there won’t always be people cheering you on, clapping for you and acknowledging your effort. It doesn’t matter if people say it’s impossible, nothing is impossible.

We get so caught up in our own thinking that we start to doubt that our dream is even possible, but just because no one has done it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Think about this, if you were deaf, you would think it would be impossible to compose a song and play the piano, but Ludwig van Beethoven defied all this and composed some of his greatest pieces during this time. This goes to show that any dream is possible if you are willing to put in the effort and go against the ways of society.
Age doesn’t matter. Whether your 8 or 80, you’re never too old or young to go after your dream. Take the first step and dream big, nothing is impossible.