Fear is something we all face and struggle with, it is something that stops us from doing certain things in our lives and taking risks. Fear has stopped me from doing so many things in my life but once you learn that fear should never stop you from doing anything, your life can radically transform.
“There is only fear in the beginning and end”
I was reading a book not long ago and there was a quote in it, and it said, “there is only fear in the beginning and end.” This quote is so true as when you are in a situation that seemed so scary before, seems so small and the adrenaline surge that you get takes away all the fear. Even though you may feel so much fear, do it anyway because soon that fear will turn into adrenaline.

Why be afraid when you can be brave? We all have the choice to be fearful or fearless. Don’t let fear stop you because when it does you miss out on so many new opportunities that will come your way. When you feel that fear tugging at you, close your eyes, take a deep breath and do what made you afraid. And if you can’t do that, then ask yourself, ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ When I say ask yourself the worst that could happen, I mean go to the extreme, the most extreme you can think of and at least then you know what you have to lose. By asking this question you may even realize that there was no point of being afraid because the outcome isn’t even that bad.
Fear should be something we use to drive ourselves, to thrust ourselves into unimaginable situations and thrive. It's not about being fearless, its about doing something even though you are afraid. When have you been afraid? Did it stop you? Or did you ignore it and do it anyway?