Get uncomfortable. “Seriously, you want me to do what? That will mean I have to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier. Get real!”
The phrase ‘get uncomfortable’ maybe be a little scary or daunting to some, but it is a concept of change and renewal.
Look at our routine lives. We live in a comfort-driven world, and to go forward, some things need to change.

The default life.
Does this sound familiar? We get ready in the morning, jump into the car to leave, and then can’t remember if the door is locked? And then we have to get out of the car just to check that it is!
Believe it or not, this is because the task is done subconsciously; it has been done so many times before that it has become an automatic default task.
This is what it’s like in our comfort zone. We get so used to our surroundings that we fall into a default lifestyle.
What would our world look like if we all lived in default?
Simply…. boring.

The power of getting uncomfortable.
Getting uncomfortable may be a scary thing to do, but eventually, it will pay off.
Maybe you are trying to implement new habits. Research has shown that it takes on average 66 days to form a new habit.
Ok, so life wasn’t meant to be easy. Most of the time forming a new habit is hard work. It isn’t easy and requires you to get uncomfortable, although, in the long run, the benefits are worth it.
Does every powerful influencer make a difference by being comfortable? To become someone great, the discomfort becomes the norm.
Trying something new is uncomfortable, and that’s the whole point! When we try something new and live that experience, we ultimately learn something new in the process.
If trying something new was easy, everyone would do it. Discomfort is a great teacher. We learn because we remember the pain, and so we become more distinctly aware of what we are doing and where we are going.
If we are prepared to take that little calculated risk and step out of the known and into the unknown, gradually more and more opportunities will open.

It makes a difference.
Becoming uncomfortable makes a difference; not just in our lives, but in the lives of those we encounter.
Now it doesn’t have to be something to alter the “space-time continuum,” often it’s just something very simple.
Something like, deciding to buy a coffee for someone we know, but aren’t very close to. This may be something different and out of our comfort zone, but it could spark a conversation and even a relationship with that person, and it could just make their day.
Or maybe you notice somebody is having a bad day, or you like the way someone has their hair styled. We should be the people who step outside of our comfort zone to offer a word of comfort or compliment, even if it is uncomfortable to do so.
Us becoming uncomfortable may seem like a nuisance, but it really does have the potential to impact the lives of the people around us, and you never know, it may even spark someone else to take the chance as well.

Have fun!
When we live in default, life can almost seem dull and meaningless, so if we step into the unknown, life can become fun and exciting.
Imagine being at a theme park and debating whether or not to go on the big roller coaster that all your friends are raving about, but is really scary. Well taking that step out of your comfort zone could create one of your favourite memories and be really fun!

Take the step.
In the Bible, Jesus tells the story of a rich man who left his estate and entrusted his servants with the financial management of his resources.
To one he gave 5000 gold coins, to another he gave 2000 gold coins, and to the last, he gave 1000 gold coins.
He returned sometime later to settle accounts with them.
The first had increased his gold coins to 10000 and the rich man was very pleased. The second had increased his gold coins to 4000 and the rich man again was pleased. The third had buried his 1000 gold coins and done nothing with them out of fear he would lose them. The rich man was very displeased, dismissed the servant and gave the remaining 1000 coins to the first servant.
The moral of the story…………..
We must step out of the normal, think outside of the box, be uncomfortable and live a life of significance and growth.

The fear of being uncomfortable is the only thing stopping us from that life of significance and growth. Take courage, the reward comes from persevering through the uncomfortable. Enjoy its fruits and really experience its power.
If all the people of the world decided to step out of their dull, grey routine to do something that may seem a little crazy, our world would look completely different.