What’s happening around us is crazy.
We don’t really think about it much, but we should. We should take a moment and stop and be in awe of what is happening; things we so easily overlook.
People have invented cars that drive themselves, devices that can do almost anything and apps for every issue.
The world we live in now, used to be a dream only a few decades ago, but it’s not anymore, because like it or not, we are living in it. It’s not science fiction, it’s real and we are using these devices. It’s crazy…………….

Isn’t it crazy the way we live our lives?
Think about it like this. Our distant ancestors began with nothing. They had to hunt and search for food, shelter and water, and learn to run very quickly so they didn’t become some carnivores lunch.
But now…………. everything we could ever want is presented to us, neatly laid out at a supermarket.
Our distant ancestors had to find a cave, evict the occupants, or build and find space for shelters to stay protected,
But now……………. we just go online and scroll through some websites until we find a house that interests us.
Our distant ancestors used to have to scrub their clothes clean,
But now…………... we can just throw our brand name apparel into the latest offering from Fischer and paykel or Samsung.
This is no small thing.
The way humanity has advanced over the years is incredible.

Isn’t it crazy the way technology has developed?
Most of the time we think, “oh yeah, the new iPhone 11 just came out,” but have we stopped to think that the new iPhone we have in our hands contains more computing power than was used to put man on the moon in 1969.
Think about this. Most of us have brand new shiney iPhones, and we still haven’t figured out how to get the most out of the old iPhone we have just traded in.
Do we really have to have the newest and latest model every year? Do we love this technology just because it is available, or has it just become a fashion accessory we all must have?
Even in the medical field, the technology used to heal and assist people is ever growing and changing by the minute.
Just think about this. In the area of prosthetics, artificial limbs are being made with the help of 3D printers. New developments with the aid of artificial intelligence can make these practical without the need for brain implants.
In certain surgerys, to have the greatest accuracy, and to reduce the trauma to the patient, the process is robotised to achieve the best outcome.
Alongside this, surgeons in specialist hospitals are using virtual reality to devise and develop surgical techniques before a difficult operation is performed.
Now doesn’t that sound crazy?
Think of the coronavirus, it has only been a few months since deaths were first revealed. There is an urgency to stop the spread of the pandemic, so all of mankind’s resources and technology are put to the need of finding a vaccine, and it seems one has already been developed and is being tested.
Some of us are probably thinking, ‘it’s about time!’ But think about it. Even with the wonderful advances in medical technology, the reality is, it can take months, sometimes years for a vaccine to get to the testing stage.

Isn’t it crazy that even though we are so small and insignificant, we can have such a great impact on the people around us?
The impact we can have is incredible, even though we are so small.
From space, we are all but invisible. And beyond that, the vastness of the universe is so much more…….
If I could, I would describe it in words, but I can’t, so I’ll show you in this video….... https://youtu.be/jF6iMm2lYkg
…...no words……

Isn’t it crazy that we are even possible?
Most of us take our lives for granted. We don’t even think about what had to happen for us to be here.
How is it even possible that 2 cells can combine and become 1 cell, which then becomes 2 cells, and then 4 cells and then 8 cells and eventually become a human being? Just stop and think about it.
One cell can multiple to become a living being, capable of so much creativity? Think about the odds to make this happen! It’s a mathematical impossibility.
Isn’t that just crazy!

Isn’t it crazy how lucky we are?
Sometimes we overlook how much we have, and we are in constant need and wanting more. Think of it. Even having a roof over our heads is such a blessing.
Think of the device you are reading this on. Think of the people in our lives and the food we eat. So many people don’t have any of this.

All this Hi Tech, we can take for granted, we are so smart and this can be daunting for some, but just for a minute think on this;
Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the creator of the whole universe. Nothing we make or do can compare with Him. And if all this technology and artificial intelligence seems overwhelming, remember, He is still in control.
That can put everything in our lives in a new perspective. A different light. Crazy isn’t it.