Do you want more energy? Increase in memory? Better sleep? More stamina throughout the day? Better overall health? What you put in your body means everything. The food you eat affects more then you could think and will help you more than just by making you healthier and/or lose weight.
100 years ago, cancer and heart disease weren’t even close to being in the top ten killers, but now, they count for 66% of death. This shows that even though conventional medicine has developed, we are still becoming sicker and sicker. So, what is the problem then? In the time span of 100 years, there have been so many different things the world has implemented into society, but the main thing that has changed is our lifestyle. Almost all the suffering that humans endure today is because of one thing, and that is there’s a difference between the pace of change in our society and our evolution. For 99.99% of our history, we lived in one way which involved a lot of trees, fresh air, hunting and gathering, and being in nature. Then we invented glass, electricity, power, internet and a whole lot of other things and we haven’t necessarily kept pace with it. The world around us is moving way too fast for our evolution to keep up with.

Food manufacturing companies are all about making a profit and the best way to make a profit is to sell more food. What food manufacturers do is they make food that you want more then you need and make you feel unsatiated once you’ve have eaten it. They make sure that it doesn’t satisfy your nutritional requirements because when your nutritional requirements lack your cravings increase making you want more of their food. They also add substances that are naturally addictive in nature so that people don’t have a choice about how much they eat and when they eat it.
The way we use the word diet is unique. Every animal on earth has a diet, yet we are the only ones that ‘go on diets.’ The word diet actually means lifestyle, not a temporary eating pattern as we see it as today. Every species on Earth has a diet and we are no exception. What is our diet? We all need calcium, certain fats, proteins, vitamins, etc. right? Yes, there may be some small tweaks for different people but we all still need the same things to be healthy. We should be dramatically increasing the intake of our fruits and vegetables (mainly vegetables), have the best and highest quality protein possible and be drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Being healthy is more determined by getting all the nutrients you need rather than getting rid of all the toxins.
You may be wondering, but if being healthy is that easy then why does no one know about it and why aren’t doctors telling us this? If you ask any doctor how long they went to medical school they will tell you 6 years but then ask them how much of that time did they spend studying food or nutrition and you will see that they will say none (unless they took an elective). The simple reason why people aren't implementing it in their lives is that they don't know about it.