We have two voices in our heads, one that comes to destroy and one that doesn’t. Negativity is the voice that comes to destroy and says things like, I can’t do it, I’m such a failure, my life sucks and it is always trying to make you see the bad in things. On the contrary, positivity is the voice that says, you can do it, just a little bit further, you are so blessed. There is a constant battle between these two voices and which one wins? The one you amplify and listen to the most.
Many people in our society have amplified the voice of negativity in their lives, only seeing the bad in every situation. This effects everyone they meet that day, their negative energy radiates off them bringing the mood of the people around them down. Negativity is contagious. Don’t fall into the trap of negativity and amplify it’s voice, every time it threatens to come, fight back by saying the complete opposite of what it’s saying. If it says, I can’t do it, fight back by saying I can do it, nothing is impossible. If it says, you’re such a failure, fight back by saying I am so talented at so many things. It only has power over you if you let it.

Have you ever realised how easy it is to be positive around positive people even if you’ve had the worst day ever? Well this is because just like negativity, positivity is contagious too. When you’re positive and have a positive outlook on life, then the people around you can see it and feel it. Your positive attitude will brighten the attitude of the people around you making an impact on the world.
Choose to block out the negativity in your life today and replace it with positivity, it will truly change your life.
I am such a failure – I am so talented
I am going to fail – I am going to ace it
My life sucks – there are so many things to be grateful for in my life/I am so lucky
I can’t do it – I can do anything, nothing can stop me
I could never make a difference – everyone can make a difference
I am so ugly – I am so beautiful
I could never do that – I have more potential then I will ever know
I wish I was that talented – I am so talented at so many different things
Tell us your suggestions to add to this list in the comments below :D