We go about our lives being so afraid of trying something new and taking risks but really, we shouldn’t be. We were only born with 2 fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, we weren’t born afraid of failing or of public speaking, these fears are conditioned into us.
Research shows that around ¾ of Australians are unhappy with their careers and want to change. This is shocking as we spend around 55 years of our lives working and most people aren’t even happy with what they are doing. Our society is living in a world where we don’t work because we love doing what we do but because it is the only way to get income.
What is stopping you from seizing the moment and living your life to the fullest? Finances? Fear? Family? Friends? We need to stop being afraid, go out there and do what we want to do. So many of us live a life that we don’t enjoy, and we are just wasting our lives away. It is time that we stop and start seizing every moment and every opportunity we have. Don’t wait for the right moment, or a sign, or someone’s approval, just do it now.

Lately, I have been challenged to start asking myself ‘what’s that worst that could happen?’ I list all the possible worst outcomes and most of the time I find out that there really isn’t anything to be worried about. This is a technique that I have used, and it has really helped me to stop being afraid, jump out there and do what I want to do. So I challenge YOU, every time you are afraid to do something, ask yourself, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.”
- Eckhart Tolle
We only have one life, and don’t let anything stop you from living it to the fullest of its potential. Think back to when you were a child, what did you want to become? Do you still want to become that? Don’t waste your life in a job that doesn’t excite you to get out of bed or doesn’t make you feel good. Seize the moment because all we will ever have is NOW and you will never know if you will ever get this kind of opportunity again. What’s the worst that could happen?