“Stop! The world has stopped turning!”
This is the message the ‘media minions’ all around the world are broadcasting upon us every day.
But the truth is, it hasn’t. Yes, these times are tough, and things aren’t the same as they were just a few months ago, but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything.
Look outside, the sun still shines, the birds still chirp and the flowers still grow. Even in the midst of COVID-19, life still goes on.
We can’t let this fear cripple us. We must have hope.

Not the same.
Our way of living now is so different from how we lived just a few months ago. Instead of gathering together, we video call. Instead of giving someone a hug, we wave. Instead of going out with our family and friends, we stay at home and facetime. For many for us, this is frightening, this is unknown, and it can seem like torture, but it doesn’t have to be.
We choose how we live our lives and how we react to certain situations. In this season, many have chosen to be angry, to blame people and to hide. We don’t have to be this way. We have a choice on how we approach this situation.
What if we decided to see this period, not as a time of torment, but one of great opportunity.
Not every situation in life is meant to look the same. Some are meant to challenge us, and some more than others. It gets us out of our comfort zone and forces us to explore new avenues.
This is an awesome opportunity for us to be creative, work on ourselves, start a fun project and just relax. And the reality is, most of us need the chance to just stop.
We have been forced into socially distancing ourselves from the constant pressures of our fast-paced world, so what better time to reconnect with ourselves than now.
These times definitely aren’t the same as normal, and that is ok!

Positive vibes.
It is extremely easy to get caught up with all the negativity this world is feeding us.
Just look around, everywhere you see there is something about coronavirus, whether it be the people we talk to, or on social media, or on the internet or on the news. It’s almost inescapable.
The media machine wants us to get caught up in it. It wants us to drown in the negative information and be forced into a downward spiral of apathetic conversation. But this doesn’t help anything or anyone. It only makes things worse.
We have the power to turn off our phones, to switch the TV channel and to change the website. We have the power to focus on the positives of this situation. All we have to do is choose.
So, are we going to listen to the constant nagging of society and be pulled into the endless pit of negativity? Or are we going to rise above it and choose to focus on the good in this seemingly hopeless situation?
And when we do, we become a light to the world. A beacon to those struggling.

Together we stand.
It may seem impossible for us to stand together when we are in self-isolation, but thanks to modern technology, we can.
Most of us use social media in one form or another, and right now, I couldn’t be more grateful for this tool. It is the one thing that is allowing us to remain connected, in spite of the distance. It creates a platform for us to still do the things we used to, but in a unique way. And yes, it can be used to do some pretty horrible things, but right now, it is a tool, helping us all stay sane.
Call the people in your world. Check-in with them and make sure they are ok. Stay connected and lean on each other through this struggle.
We will get through this season together, so make sure you’re not doing it alone.
Remember what the psalmist said when he wrote down these words………...
“I am standing in absolute stillness, silent before the one I love, waiting as long as it takes for him to rescue me. Only God is my Saviour, and he will not fail me. For he alone is my safe place. His wrap-around presence always protects me as my champion defender. There’s no risk of failure with God! So why would I let worry paralyse me, even when troubles multiply around me? God’s glory is all around me! His wrap-around presence is all I need, for the Lord is my Saviour, my hero, and my life-giving strength”
Psalms 62:5-7 TPT

In this situation, we must realise that our world hasn’t stopped turning in spite of how it may seem. Life around us hasn’t faltered and we are still living.
Appreciate what you have, look around and notice the beauty that still exists in our world.
And yes life is not the same, but that doesn’t have to stop us. Life’s situations can change drastically and be uncomfortably different, but it is through the pain that we can grow.
We can choose whether or not we listen to the negativity that the world is feeding us, or we can choose to stand tall and be positive.
In spite of the isolation, we can still use all the things in front of us and connect, because doing the positive will help us in the midst of this demanding time.
Have hope and don’t be afraid :)