How much time do you waste every day? How much time do you spend scrolling through social media, being bored or spending time with people who don’t make you feel good? We are all victims of wasting our time and we do it almost every day. Time is free, but it's priceless.
Imagine you woke up every morning with $86, 400 in your bank account and at the end of the night, it was all gone, whether you spent it or not. And then the next morning you got another $86, 400 and at the end of the night, it was all gone. The question to ask yourself now is, what would you do with? Would you spend it all? Would you waste? Or would you give it? Every day, 86, 400 seconds are deposited into your life account and once they're all used up, you get another, 86, 400 seconds. If it was money, we would never waste it, so why do we waste it when it comes to time? Why do we waste our time on social media, being bored and/or hanging around people who don’t make us feel good? Seconds are so much more powerful than dollars because you can always make more dollars, but you can never make more seconds.

There is a quote by Steve Jobs, and it says, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” So many people look around them and compare their life to others when they do this, they are wasting their lives trying to live someone else’s. Live your own life, don’t become a lawyer because that’s what everyone else is doing and it brings the most money. Be whom YOU want to be and don’t waste your life being a lawyer if you want to be something else.
The average person lives about 78 years, and we spend 28.3 years sleeping, which is almost 1/3 of our life, yet 30% of people don’t sleep well. We spend 10.5 years working, but over 50% of people want to leave their current jobs. We spend 9 years on T.V & Social Media, 6 years doing chores, 4 years eating and drinking, 3.5 years in education, 2.5 years grooming, 2.5 years shopping, 1.5 years in child care, 1.3 years commuting and that leaves us with only 9 years. How will you spend it?
There is good and bad news, the bad news is that time fly’s, and the good news is that you’re the pilot. Don’t just live your life and waste your time, do something to make your time valuable. Choose how you spend your time today.
Makayla you have the most amazing gift sharing your thoughts, nana loves your blogs and I’m so proud of you, keep writing, you do make a difference love you xxxx
That is so true Thankyou so much 💖
I need to spend more time doing random projects like the good news newspaper
life is so long but yet so short if you don't live it right
I am really proud of you Makayla and everything you are doing