Is there an issue in the world that you want to do something about? You heard something and had the urge to do something about it but then did nothing. You left the issue for someone else to handle and thought that there is no point doing anything because it won’t make a difference. Although, we have to understand that you can do something that others can’t, you have more potential than you know.

There are so many different things that everyday people like me and you can do to change the world. Different things like donating to a charity, sharing your story or even creating your own charity can have a huge effect on the lives of those around you. Don’t underestimate the power of your story as it can inspire people not to give up and keep going.
Many of us get stuck in the mindset that there are so many people out there already making a difference, that we don't need to do anything. Although, there is something that you can bring to the world that no one else can. You may not always feel like it but we all have the potential to be world changers. What is stopping you from making a mark on this world?