Our world is so full of hatred that it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you are not loved, and you never will be. The lie that you aren't loved effects so many people in our world and something needs to change about it, people need to know and believe the truth. YOU ARE LOVED.
Just because there are some people in this world that don’t like you and will be mean to you it doesn’t mean that they determine if you are loved or not. I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of believing you aren’t loved and sometimes it's easier than believing you are but I also know that we all have the strength inside of us to push that lie away and find the love in our life.

In our society, the word love has been twisted into so many different ways and many people don’t know the real meaning of it. We say people love us but then they betray us, and we lose all hope of people ever loving us, but the truth is, one person doesn’t define if you are loved or not. If you don’t think anyone loves you then why not ask, ask the people around you if they love you and I know that at least one will say yes.
We get so caught up in the lies that we believe, we can’t even see the love that is right in front of us. We all need to open our eyes and realize the love that is right before our eyes. You are loved so much more then you could ever know and there are so many people out there who love you. We all need to look a bit closer, open our eyes and see how much love is in our lives and if you can’t see any in your life, be the love in someone else’s.