Why would anyone want to listen to me? Who cares about what I have to say. These are only 2 of the many thoughts that stop us from using our voice and being heard. But the truth is someone out there does want to listen to your voice and hear what you have to say. Once you realize this truth, your life will radically change.

I’ve lived most of my life keeping my voice to myself and not letting others hear what I had to say. I kept quiet and didn’t share my opinions with others, even if something was burning on the inside, I never let anyone know. I didn’t think that anyone would want to listen to me and that was the biggest lie I could have ever told myself. Once I realized the truth that someone did want to listen to me, my life was completely transformed. I started to tell people things that I had never told them before, and I started to use my voice to help and inspire others. This was the greatest decision I ever made and has led to so many new opportunities that I would have turned down if I hadn’t realized the truth, I have a voice.
“Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.”
- Proverbs 18:21
Your words have so much power, they have the ability build people up and bring people down. In the bible it says, “words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.” I believe that your words are the most powerful tool you have and can be used to do extraordinary things beyond your imagination. You have a voice that deserves to be heard and once you start to use your voice, to speak up for what you believe in and/or to help others then you will see so many new opportunities open that weren’t there before.
You may think that the only way to use your voice is on a stage, but that is a lie, the best way to use your voice is in your everyday life. For example, if you know that someone is going through a tough time, use your voice to help, encourage and uplift them or send a random message to someone telling them how much you appreciate them, it could make their day. We all have a voice and it is all of our responsibility to use it.
I believe that so many of us are too afraid to use our voices, if no one was afraid to use their voice then how would this world ever change? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter." So I encourage you, use your voice, speak up and together we can make a change.
Sometimes actions cannot tell what can be told with words
Thankyou so much :)
Makayla that’s beautiful! You’re going to make a big difference in the world.💖
You have such an amazing gift sweat pea. So proud of you ❤❤