Are you sick and tired of being pulled down by this world? Being sucked into the downward spiral that things like social media tell us? I sure am, and I know many of you are too.
But we have choice, we don’t have to live in the ways of the world, we can stand out and be different. We just have to choose.

The Choice is Yours
Choice is powerful. It can be the difference between two completely opposite lives. The amazing thing is this. We have the power of choice. We have the freedom to make decisions and we can alter our lives.
We fall into the trap of thinking that we are stuck where we are, and we can never get out of it. That we are outside of our situation and it has too much of an impact on us and that it can’t be changed. But it can.

What Do You Think?
Sometimes someone might say to us, “I absolutely love your hair.” We’ll normally smile and say “thank you”, and about a minute later, we will have completely forgotten about it.
But, if someone says to us, “you are ugly,” we will distinctly remember it forever.
You see our minds are hardwired to amplify the negative and minimize the positives. For example, this can become an issue if we see our ‘friends’ on facebook hanging out with a group of people, laughing and having a great time. We will automatically be wishing we were there, completely forgetting the fact that we went to the movies yesterday with our best friends.
But because we are constantly being charged with the negativity our minds throws at us, we can easily allow ourselves to be depressed and anxious about the trivial things that don’t matter. Our lives actually have a superiority. We can live on a higher plane.

What are You Going to do?
We have a choice to focus on the negative. We can think of all the comments and mean remarks people have said to us,
We can focus on the positive.
We have a choice to clear out our minds of the negativity that the world is injecting into us. We can choose to sweep our minds clean of the things that aren’t going to help us.
“No one is coming to change you, no one is coming to save your life, you have to do it yourself.”
- Unknown
This is the harsh truth!!
Many of us want to believe that we can continue the way we are going and we will be fine, that it will all work out in the end. But our life is what we make of it!
If we want to get rid of the negativity in our lives, we have to do it ourselves. We have to put in the effort of guarding our own mind. And yes, it is a whole lot easier to just go on with the ways of the world, but to truly succeed, we can’t be passive, we must be proactive!!

We have the power to change our lives and block out the negativity of the world.
The choice is yours.